
News Updates in Oil Market

  • Due to Heavy Rain in North India, Mustard Oil increased to 1660

    23/1/2022 9:06:48 PM
  • TARIFF eff 15 Jan CPO 1348$ VS 1268 PALMOLN 1372+58 SOY 1408-29 New duty CPO RS.8385 TON+497 OLN 14224+601 SOY 5839-120

    9/1/2022 6:38:40 PM
  • SOYOIL BASIS/FOB VS CBOT ARGENTINA Feb+300/+250(Fob Slr 1368.62$/Byr 1357.59)+14$ Mar+200/+160(1346.57/1337.75)+14 Apr-70/-150(1287.05/1269.41)+9 May-180/-220(1262.79/1253.98)-5 June-180/-220 BRAZIL Feb+300/+200(1368.62/1346.57)-9 Mar+250/+160(1357.59/1337.75)+20 Apr+100/-160(1324.52/1267.20)+24

    9/1/2022 6:38:23 PM
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    9/1/2022 6:26:43 PM
  • 8th News Here

    1/1/2022 7:42:20 PM
  • 7th News

    31/12/2021 12:54:47 PM

Mustard Oil Rates

Last Update.. 30 January 2022 1:56:54 PM

Item Rate Change Other Details
Mustard Seed 1465 85 FOR +40 Rs
Mustard Expeller Oil 1655 90
Mustard Oil Cake 30900 1400
Kacchichi Ghani Mustard oil 1700 115
Mustard DOC 27200 1200 FOR Kandla
Mustard Solvent Deo 1510 NaN
Refined Mustard Oil NA NaN

All items motability & additional GST

Other edible oil Rates

Last Update.. 30 January 2022 1:56:43 PM

Item Rate Change Other Details
Groundnut Oil 1250 8 2% FFA
Groundnut Oil Cake 34000 -200 For Gondal
RBD Palm Oil 1148 10 Ex Chhatral/Kadi
SuperOilien Oil 1178 8 Ex Chhatral/Kadi
Refined Soya Oil 1181 3 Ex Siddhpur
Rice Bran Oil P 1100 15 4 CP (FOR)
Rice Bran Oil Chemical 1125 10 Ex Kadi
Soya Deo 1178 8 Ex Chandisar
Cotton Wash Expeller Oil 1165 8 Kadi

All Items rates are as per Motability Del. & Additional GST

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